Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

This Christmas holiday I decided to do something a little different and volunteer for a couple of shifts at Crisis at Christmas. Crisis is an incredible charity working hard to end homelessness in the UK. At Christmas time, for the past 45 years they have run shelters in various locations around the city where they host homeless guests for a week.

I volunteered at a school that had been converted into a little village where they had a cinema, day trips to some local museums, podiatrists, optometrists, hair and nail salons, clothing stores with seamstresses available for alterations, an amazing canteen with pastry chefs from the Ritz and the Savoy and so much more.

It was such an amazing and rewarding experience. Some of the stories were heart-breaking but what really touched me is that even though they were struggling, many were hopeful and excited for the future. Knowing that they were on their way to rebuilding their lives and that although the journey might take a while and be unforgiving at times, things would improve.

Their attitude reminded me of a quote I read recently: “Staying positive doesn’t mean that things will turn out ok. Rather it is knowing that you’ll be ok no matter how things turn out.”

And so for 2020 I am resolving to stay positive, and be thankful in every circumstance, knowing that whilst I can’t control anything, I can control my reactions by choosing a stance of peace, love, understanding, forgiveness and most of all thankfulness.