Hardangervidda Day 5

After a night of icy howling wind, I emerged from the safe cocoon of my fleece lined sleeping bag to a surprising calm morning. The snow walls protected everyone’s tents brilliantly!


I’ve been asked what the daily routine looked like so here goes:


❄️  Wake up at 7am.⏰

❄️  Try to drink 1L of water before breakfast.🥤

❄️  Help reboil the snow we melted the night before and filled our thermos flasks with to have 2 -3 litres of water supply for the day.🧊

❄️  Breakfast: porridge - I’ve decided that I’ll opt for a savoury breakfast in future.🍚

❄️  Morning ablutions, putting in contacts, applying medicated talcum powder instead of anti-persperirant and changing into our ‘daywear’.🪥

❄️  Pack up our pulk and sleeping bags, dismantle the tent and pack our sledges.⛺️

❄️  Quick group powwow.💬

❄️  Ski for 50/45 min with a 10 min break, except for lunch which was a slightly longer break.⛷

❄️ Lunch: part of our snack bag for the day and hobnobs. My snack bag contained my chopped home-made energy bars, chopped protein and granola bars, dried fruit, dark chocolate, seeds and nuts.🥜

❄️  End the day with enough sunlight to put up the tent and sweep bits of ice away off the tent floor.🧹

❄️  Assemble the stove and take turns melting snow for our water supply.👩🏽‍🍳

❄️  Change into our ‘evening wear’ aka dry clothes stowed in dry sacks/in our sleeping bags.👚

❄️  Hang and dry our wet base layers, socks and hats –  who knew that filling a water bottle with hot water and then pulling socks over it could them so quickly and entertain us as well!🧦💨

❄️  Eat, evening ablutions and sleep aka my fave part of the day! 🛌


Day 5 was quite special. We decided to eat our dinners together as a group rather than in our individual tents. So, whilst some of the group was boiling water others were helping to build an open igloo/ seating area for dinner. Helen and Morton entertained us with polar bear stories and tips on how to tell the difference between a disinterested polar bear vs one that has decided to have you for dinner 😂😳.

Lunch Break.