
Today I had the privilege of listening to the amazing and inspiring Mark Ormrod as he shared his incredible story. On Christmas Eve of 2017, during a routine patrol whilst stationed in Afghanistan Mark stepped on an IED which blew both his feet and half an arm off. Mark was told that he’d never walk again and yet he has gone on compete in the Invictus games and win 4 gold medals!

One of the things that struck me most about Mark is his perseverance. He has faced an incredible amount of obstacles and has managed to navigate them skilfully. So right at the end of the talk, when the room had emptied and he was about to leave I plucked up the courage to ask him how he navigates negativity; specifically how to deal with that hopeless feeling you get when you feel you’re at the end of your tether and you can either give up or plod on hoping against all odds that somehow you’ll make it through.

His answer made me smile …it was one simple word…thankfulness. He encouraged me to take time to take stock and reflect on all that I have to be thankful for. I immediately thought of my wonderful family and friends; the people who have championed me and encouraged me every step of the way. I thought back to all that I have achieved in spite of the numerous obstacles and total blunders on my part and I remembered all the beautiful moments of peace and love that life has gifted me. Suddenly a song we used to sing in Sunday school popped into my mind:

“ When upon life’s billows you are tempest tossed,

When you are discouraged thinking all is lost,

Count your many blessings; name them one by one,

And it will surprise you what the Lord has done.”

As we approach Christmas, which is meant to be the season of joy and all things bright and beautiful, many of you will be struggling. So if you find yourself filled with anxiety and you’re not sure you have the strength to carry on and face whatever it is that life has thrown at you then can I encourage you to take a breather and remind yourself of how far you’ve come. Perhaps you’ll find 1 or 2 things or people that you’re thankful for. Focus on these beautiful things and let your heart be flooded with gratitude and thankfulness…and please feel free to share your stories with me! I can’t begin to tell you how much of an encouragement they will be as I traverse the long and arduous road of preparing for December 2019!