Lyme Hero of the Week

I don’t often share on what living with Lyme can be like partially because I feel like there are so many people who have it way worse than I do and because I simply don’t like dwelling on it.

But I thought I’d make an exception today. As I have shared previously, when I get fatigued I tend to forget words, names and sometimes whole conversations. And today is one such day. I’ll be honest, I am TIRED! Perhaps it’s because I’m juggling packing and coordinating moving house, whilst holding down a full time job, and training and managing all the admin for the expedition, which leaves me with precious little time for anything else. This word loss and Alzheimer like forgetfulness really scares me. I wonder, will it ever go away for good?! Will we find a cure or vaccination for this evil disease so others don’t suffer as much?! As anyone with high functioning and hidden anxiety knows, these questions are a slippery slope into the abyss. But in the midst of all this anxiety I pause to remind myself where I was 2 years ago and note how much I’ve improved, which makes me feel a bit better. 

And then I remember that I am not fighting this battle alone; there are so many others who are also raising awareness and campaigning for proper and timely diagnosis and treatment to be more readily available. People like Mr John Cauldwell - my Lyme hero of the week. Mr Cauldwell and his family all contracted Lyme and know first hand of the many complexities that it adds to daily life. So he’s decided to pledge £1 million if his own money if the NHS will match his offer and begin to invest in treatment options, diagnosis and research on Lyme in the UK. So can I encourage you to take a few minutes to support this amazing cause? You can do this by simply following the link below and sending a copy of the template e-mail to your local MP.

I am literally sick and tired of this disease and I truly believe that the best way to end all of the unnecessary suffering associated with Lyme Disease is to work together to find a viable solution.