
Cooperation, Creativity and the Portuguese-Man-of War

I spotted this baby Portuguese Man-of-War on this morning’s beach side tyre pull.

These creatures have always fascinated me because they are basically a colony of diverse organisms, each with their own unique traits, working together seamlessly as a community to survive life on the ocean.

As a fiercely independent person who generally prefers her own company, I suddenly felt challenged to take a leaf from these amazing creatures in terms of seeking out help when I need it and working with others rather than trying so hard to do everything on my own.

I’m sure I’m not the only one that struggles with this but I genuinely find that when I’m faced with a conundrum and need to reach out for help I battle feelings of failure, ineptitude, and fear of judgment. I get so scared of being defined by what I deem to be a shortcoming that I don’t stop to realise that asking for help does note equate to weakness.

Someone recently challenged me to look beyond the perceived weakness and acknowledge that in seeking assistance, advice or guidance I am actually opening myself to countless possibilities and new ideas that I’d never have thought of on my own. In short, cooperation feeds creativity and innovation.

All this from a tiny Portuguese man-of-war!