weight training

Red Light, Green Light🚦

Ahh 2021, what a year of change and surprise you’ve been! I’ve often felt like I’ve been stuck in a game of “Red Light, Green Light” constantly being caught out and made to return to the start.

As you’ll have guessed, I’m postponing my big adventure again and this is the first time in 4 years, that I’m truly excited and happy to be doing so because…🥁🥁🥁… there’s a new plant afoot!

I’ve decided to use the extra time I’ve been gifted to expand my attempts and ski to both the North and South Poles solo and unassisted.

To achieve this big dream means that my training will have to change and that I need to get super serious about polar prep.

So, in addition to tyre pulling, hiking, strength training and running, I’m planning on doing a couple of mini expeditions to really solidify my polar survival skills.

My first expedition will be in Norway’s beautiful Hardangervidda mountain plateau and starts on Valentine’s Day 2022, which I think is apt since I have fallen head over heels with polar exploration.

I can’t tell you how excited this all makes me feel, especially as a black woman! Whilst I suspect that many of us have dreamt of doing amazing adventures, few have actually been able to achieve it.

My hope is that polar exploration will become more socially diverse; ushering in an age of gender and ethnic diversity and that access to funding will no longer be a barrier to participation.

A massive thank you to everyone who’s stuck by me and encouraged me on my journey so far. I’d never have made it this far if without you.❤️❤️❤️